Lacrosse Activity Update – New Province-wide Restrictions
December 29, 2021
Re: Lacrosse Activity Update – New Province-wide Restrictions
Dear BCLA Members:
On December 20 & 22, the BC Government and Public Health Office announced safety measures to combat the spread of Covid-19. The PHO Order on Gatherings and Events has been updated with information around new restrictions as it relates to BC’s present Covid-19 situation. BC Sport leaders met with viaSport BC for further clarification how these new measures relate to sport.
New province-wide restrictions – The PHO has introduced province-wide restrictions that are in effect December 20, 2021 to January 31, 2022. Due to the evolving public health protocols, this information is subject to change at any time.
Current PHO Order – All Indoor & Outdoor Sport Restrictions:
- Sport tournaments are not allowed at this time.
- Tournaments are a single or multi-day gathering of three or more sport teams, who come together outside regular league play but does not include :
- A gathering where team members compete on an individual basis against members of other teams, or
- A gathering where the result will decide if a team will advance to play in a national or international competition.
- Interprovincial travel and international travel for sport is not advised.
- All activities that would typically take place in a sport environment (other than tournaments) may continue.
- Spectators: seated and standing capacity is at 50%.
- All other Return to Sport Restart Step 3 restrictions (including proof of vaccination) must be followed.
Indoor sport
- Group Size: There is no maximum group size for participants, coaches, volunteers, staff and officials.
- Physical distance does not need to be maintained on or off the field of play.
- Masks: not recommended on the field of play. Masks are mandatory off the field of play.
Outdoor sport
- Group Size: There is no maximum group size for participants, coaches, volunteers, staff and officials.
- Physical distance does not need to be maintained on or off the field of play.
- Masks: not required on or off the field of play.
What this means for BC Lacrosse Association activities-
As of the new PHO Orders, regular BCLA Lacrosse activities can take place following the viaSport BC Return to Sport Restart Step 3 restrictions. All sports tournaments are not allowed at this time (see above). These restrictions may impact the 2022 BCLA Youth Field Provincials in February.
For sport organizers-
Organizers must check proof of vaccination for indoor sport where required. Information for event and program organizers on how to check proof of vaccination is on the Province of BC’s website:
Please see the updated viaSport BC Return to Sport Restart Plan 2.0 Chart (as of Dec. 10) with details on where to show proof of vaccine (two doses):
Remain patient with your facilities and association/club volunteers. They must transition their operational capacities and may not be able to respond immediately to these changes.
These links will assist in the steps involved in opening up sports.
Please see Province-wide Restrictions:
Please see Proof of Vaccination and the BC Vaccine Card:
Please see the viaSport BC website:
Please see the Provincial Health Officer Order on Gatherings and Events (latest update):
This is how sport and the BCLA will proceed under the viaSport BC Restart Plan in Step 3 with the latest province-wide restrictions as it relates to sport activities. The BCLA will continue to update our members as we learn more from the BC Government, PHO and viaSport BC.
Thank you for your hard work in keeping lacrosse front and centre so our athletes continue to develop. Your efforts are appreciated. If you have any additional questions, please e-mail me at
Yours in Lacrosse,
Gerry Van Beek
BCLA President